Friday, April 3, 2009

This is the end of a very long day that capped off a very long week.

Today found me testifying four different times in four different committees.

Since the Weekly Report e-mail already came out, I won’t rehash all of that.

But I should have added that the Senate Finance Committee heard SB 367 this morning, which has been introduced by the Governor. This bill comes directly from the SAGE Commission and deals with public employee retirement system (PERS) reform.

As you know, that is one of the main issues on our long-term spending reform agenda.

I testified in strong support of this bill and stated that the Reno Sparks Chamber of Commerce will not support any tax increases unless and until long-term spending reforms are implemented.

The Committee took no action on the bill today.

Up next week: gutting the voter-approved medical malpractice reforms on Monday, a slew of workers comp bills all week, a ban on plastic grocery bags on Wednesday, and Friday brings the deadline for all non-exempt bills to get through their first committee.