Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Deja vu

It’s déjà vu time at the legislature. Yesterday was the deadline for all non-exempt bills to get through their house of origin. In other words, all Assembly bills had to be passed and sent to the Senate and vice-versa or they died.

This means that there aren’t really any brand new bills to follow and testify on. So, all of the various workers comp bills, health insurance mandate bills, and others that the Chamber testified against in one house, we are doing so again in the second.

Today, that included AB 511, which was heard in Senate Commerce and Labor. This is the bill that would gut the exclusive remedy provisions of workers comp and allow for employees to have a private right of action against insurance companies. Same group of folks testified in favor, same opposed.

I did get to testify in favor of SB 275 again. Today it was in Senate Finance; a few weeks ago it was in Senate Health and Education. This bill is exempt, which means it has some type of fiscal note attached to it and needs to be examined by the money committees. This is the bill that Senator Horsford has proposed which would create a SAGE-type commission for the education system.