Monday, April 13, 2009

Tax Study

This week brings a change of pace, as the deadline for bills to survive through their committee of origin passed on Friday. More than 260 bills officially died on Friday, but you never know when some issues may rise from the dead! The next deadline is April 21, when all bills have to get through their first house before traveling to the other chamber. This week will be heavy on floor sessions, but light on committee hearings.

I did testify in support of SB 399 in the Senate Finance Committee this morning. This bill would authorize a study of Nevada’s tax structure to take place over the interim between the 2009 and 2011 sessions. It would delve into the proper allocations of tax revenue between state and local governments and between the local governments themselves.

I was honored to sit at the table next to Daryl Drake, a Chamber Board member and someone whose wisdom I rely on a lot. Daryl presented some very poignant ideas on the subject and I believe his testimony was well-received.

I pointed to page two of the Agenda for Economic Vitality, which states our support for a comprehensive study of the kind that this bill proposes.

I also tied it to the SAGE Commission’s work, by stating that once the Legislature has a complete picture of how we spend AND receive our tax revenues, they will be able to make more informed decisions.

Greg Peek, representing the Builder’s Association of Northern Nevada, followed my comments with a plea for SB 399 to include a study of removing depreciation of real property at the point of sale. The Chamber supports examination of that issue as well.