Monday, March 9, 2009

The Assembly Commerce and Labor Committee has convened and is discussing AB 162, which would mandate that insurance companies cover autism treatment.

The Chamber is opposed to any health insurance mandates because they increase the costs on EVERYBODY’S insurance policy. If every policy has to cover such issues, then every policy will be more expensive. At a time when employers are struggling to keep their workers employed, any additional costs could force them to raise premiums or eliminate coverage.

Just to be clear, the Chamber is not opposed to insurance companies covering autism or any other medical condition; we are opposed to the state government mandating that coverage. These types of coverage issues should be a decision made by the insured and his/her employer.

The hearing room in Carson City is packed this afternoon with autism activists, many with children. The hearing room in Las Vegas appears to be filled with even more people.

Valerie Clark, the Chamber’s Immediate Past Chair, is here to testify in opposition to the bill. She is head of the Chamber’s Health Care Task Force and is President of Clark and Associates, an insurance brokerage firm. She will present a unique perspective, that of a mother, a nurse, and an insurance broker.